Reinier Lamberti


  • Before joining Scott+Scott, Reinier Lamberti spent more than three years working at another international law firm in Amsterdam, where he specialized in European and Dutch competition law. Reinier advised on matters involving infringement, abuse of dominant positions and regulatory & compliance. In addition, Reinier has experience in antitrust litigation and public procurement law.
  • During his study, Reinier followed an internship at the Dutch National Competition Authority (ACM) and at law firms in Brussels and Amsterdam.


Reinier is an associate at the Firm’s Amsterdam office where he focuses on complex multi-jurisdictional litigation including class actions. Reinier has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in proceedings and also gained experience in antitrust damages disputes and liability proceedings.

Reinier co-published articles on developments in public and private enforcement of (European) competition law in the Dutch competition journal ‚Markt & Mededinging‘ and on combatting collusion in public procurement in the Dutch journal ‚Bouwrecht‘.


  • Acted in competition law investigations and follow-up proceedings by the Dutch competition authority, among others in the construction and cold storage sector.
  • Contributed to several antitrust damages claims proceedings on behalf of the plaintiff, among others in the elevator, bitumen and telecommunication systems sector.


Mr. Lamberti is admitted to the Dutch bar and has a registered specialization in Competition law (Economisch ordeningsrecht, subrechtsgebied mededingingsrecht).  On the basis of the registration, it is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in that registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.