We pride ourselves on the caliber of legal talent on our team. In addition to some of the best and brightest rising stars, we have attorneys who have served with distinction in the U.S. Department of Justice, been admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, served in OAGs at the state level, argued before the UK’s CAT and High Courts, and received virtually every accolade offered in our profession.

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Paige Alderson-Smith

US Office Delaware Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Kristen Anderson

Kristen Anderson

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation
Alex Barlow Headshot

Alex Barlow

US Office Texas

Alice Bernstein

UK Office Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition


US Office New York Consumer Litigation
Black and white headshot of Martin Blom

Martin Blom

NL Office Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Fatima Brizuela

Fatima Brizuela

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition

Daniel Brockwell

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation

Donald A. Broggi

US Office New York Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation

Nicholas Bruno

US Office New York Securities Litigation

Eléonore Buisson

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation

Louis F. Burke

US Office New York Securities Litigation
Victoria Burke

Victoria Burke

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition
Michael Burnett

Michael G. Burnett

US Office Nebraska Securities Litigation

Douglas Campbell

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition


NL Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Cameron Cano

US Office Texas Consumer Litigation

Jessica Casey

US Office Connecticut Securities Litigation

Saphya Caus

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition


US Office San Diego Crypto Litigiation

Peter Cherepanov

US Office Connecticut

Deborah Clark-Weintraub

US Office New York Securities Litigation

Joseph G. Cleemann

US Office New York

Erin Green Comite

US Office Connecticut Consumer Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Michelle Conston

Michelle Conston

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition

Patrick Coughlin

US Office San Diego Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition
Hal Cunningham

Hal Cunningham

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation

Sindhu S. Daniel

US Office Delaware Consumer Litigation Mass Tort
Jan-Willem De Jong black and white headshot

Jan-Willem De Jong

NL Office Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation

Isabella De Lisi

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition

Kyle Dingman

US Office Texas
N. Dinkgreve Headshot

Nathalie Dinkgreve

NL Office Consumer Litigation Securities Litigation

Elizabeth Dragovich

US Office Delaware Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Securities Litigation
G. Dustin Foster

G. Dustin Foster

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation
William C. Fredericks

William C. Fredericks

US Office New York Securities Litigation

Karin Garvey

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition
David Goldberger

David H. Goldberger

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition

Marc J. Greco

US Office New York Securities Litigation
Joseph Guglielmo Headshot

Joseph P. Guglielmo

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation Securities Litigation

James Hain-Cole

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Brian Hogan

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition

Belinda Hollway

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Susan Hu

US Office New York Securities Litigation

Max Huffman

US Office San Diego Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Securities Litigation
Anna Hunanyan Headshot

Anna Hunanyan

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition

Markus Hutschneider

DE Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Cornelia J.B. Gordon

US Office San Diego Securities Litigation
Jeff Jacobson

Jeffrey P. Jacobson

US Office New York Securities Litigation

John T. Jasnoch

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Consumer Litigation
Geoffrey M. Johnson

Geoffrey M. Johnson

US Office Ohio Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Securities Litigation

Karen Kam

US Office Delaware Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Beth Kaswan

Beth Kaswan

US Office New York Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Consumer Litigation


US Office New York Securities Litigation

Zachary Kranc

US Office Connecticut

Reinier Lamberti

NL Office Global Antitrust + Competition
Thomas Laughlin

Thomas Laughlin

US Office New York Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Amanda Lawrence

Amanda Lawrence

US Office Connecticut Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Consumer Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition

Jacob Lieberman

US Office Connecticut Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition


US Office Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights

Cian Mansfield

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation

Ruth Manson

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Adi Marciano

UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition


UK Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Sean T. Masson

US Office New York Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition

Melissa May

US Office New York Securities Litigation

Kieran McDonagh

UK Office

Patrick McGahan

US Office Connecticut Global Antitrust + Competition

Carmen Medici

US Office San Diego Consumer Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition
Michael Melber

Michael Melber

DE Office Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition

Mandeep S. Minhas

US Office New York Securities Litigation


US Office New York Consumer Litigation
Kassandra Nelson

Kassandra Nelson

US Office Delaware Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation

Alex Outwater

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation


US Office New York Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights

Matthew Perez

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition
Joe Pettigrew

Joseph A. Pettigrew

US Office San Diego Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Melanie Porter

Melanie Porter

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition

Justin Reliford

US Office Delaware Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights Securities Litigation

Patrick Rodriguez

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition

Amanda Rolon

US Office New York Consumer Litigation

Anja Rusi

US Office Connecticut Consumer Litigation

Sean Russell

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Consumer Litigation
Max Schwartz

Max Schwartz

US Office New York Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition
Daryl Scott

Daryl F. Scott

US Office Virginia Securities Litigation
David Scott

David R. Scott

US Office New York Securities Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition
Melvin Scott

Melvin Scott

US Office Connecticut Securities Litigation Consumer Litigation
Bob Seabolt headshots

Bob Seabolt

US Office Virginia

Jon Smallwood

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation
Sylvia Sokol

Sylvia M. Sokol

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition

Michael Srodoski

US Office Connecticut Consumer Litigation Global Antitrust + Competition
Rianna Swartz

Rhiana Swartz

US Office New York Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Louise van de Po Headshot

Louise van de Pol

NL Office

Robin Van Der Meulen

US Office New York Global Antitrust + Competition


NL Office Securities Litigation Consumer Litigation
Carlijn Van Rest

Carlijn van Rest

NL Office Global Antitrust + Competition Securities Litigation Consumer Litigation
Hannelore Vanderveen Headshot

Hannelore Vanderveen

NL Office Global Antitrust + Competition

Robert Verburg

NL Office Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights

Heidi Weaver

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition
Jing-Li Yu

Jing-Li Yu

US Office New York Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights
Brandon Zapf

Brandon Zapf

US Office San Diego Global Antitrust + Competition


US Office Texas Consumer Litigation

Jonathan Zimmerman

US Office New York Securities Litigation Corporate Governance + Shareholder Rights

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