TikTok illegally gathers an excessive amount of personal data from its users, and infringes various European and Dutch consumer rights laws. This unlawful behavior disproportionately affects and harms children, who make up a large percentage of TikTok’s user base in the Netherlands. This vulnerable group is entitled to enhanced data protection and consumer rights protection.
Scott+Scott is litigation counsel for Take Back Your Privacy, an independent not-for-profit foundation that pursues the interests of the represented group of TikTok users in the Netherlands. The foundation demands that TikTok (i) ceases and desists its unlawful actions, (ii) destroys illegally obtained personal data and (iii) provides compensation to the victims, with this damages claim being in excess of 1.5 billion EUR.
Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/dutch-group-launches-data-harvesting-claim-against-tiktok/2021/06/24/e0d17b62-d4e9-11eb-b39f-05a2d776b1f4_story.html
Associated Press: https://apnews.com/article/europe-lifestyle-business-technology-be80fa18453eda0639f704475720d5c8